Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm a weiner!!!

I was lucky enough to get this Kreativ Blogger award from Tina Morton http://thingsandplacesforkids.blogspot.com/ Part of the game is to name 7 things about yourself and name seven other people that deserve the same award.

Seven things about me:
1. I love my bulldog, Cinnabun....even though she snores.
2. I have a pet snake, Diana. I use her skin in my art projects..and share with my other crafty friends.
3. I have a pet rat named Spunkers who makes nests from snake skin and steals my pencils.
4. I recently retired from American Airlines.
5. I love wine and sometimes do wine tastings for friends.
6. I have four tatoos.
7. I in some way burn almost all of my art.

Seven people that deserve this award:

Amy Huff http://lonestarart.blogspot.com/
Mary Perlow http://colormary.blogspot.com/
Livia Hajovsky http://livia-theartjunkie.blogspot.com/
Mad Mary Davenport has three fabulous blogs out there


Carolee Hollenback said...

That is too cool- you are one of the most creative people I've run into on the net! I always enjoy your posts!

Beverly Mahone said...

A pet snake and a pet rat? OK....and FOUR TATOOS---but you didn't say where???! Thanks for sharing.